This show is a mutt mix between The Voice, American Idol, America's Got Talent and
America's Next Top Model. Everyone's American whether it's North or South.
The "challenges" are good for study practice because it's usually something about them doing some improv reporting on a certain theme or they are acting a telenovela clip out but they all have different scenes and characters. Each week the girls compete in a variety of next top model competitions and runway catwalks in bikinis and new fashion.
My favorite competitor got voted off already. I think her name was Ivanna. She was the only blonde so she stood out. She was pale without a tan and I always root for a girl who doesn't want a good dose of skin cancer later on.
There are three judges. There is a Simon, but there isn't a drugged up Paula. I still haven't quite figured out how they do the rankings and scores.
I also really like it because I can easily pick out different accents from around Latin America. The hostess of the show is the constant when it comes to that because like news casters they do not want to use any particular accent. They clear up their social accents to speak to all of Latin America. I would
love to end up sounding like her one day. She says a lot of "Mire" and "Lo
siento." (To loser contestants.) Llantos-Means Sobbing
They do that a too.
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