Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Don't Tell Teenagers That You Feel Shit

So there's now a secret post-it that I keep on an inside panel of my left desk drawer. The majority of the list came from the movie Stand and Deliver. It's a classic TP movie (teacher porn; movies that excite teachers).
It's PG, but my sweet and innocent freshman tutor had a blast pointing out the inappropriate Spanish words.

I slipped up a few times whenever I would try to tell her that I was scared of embarrassing myself. Miedo and mierda are very close sounding when you're first learning the language. Maybe it was just me in the whole world who was going around saying "I feel shitty" or "I shit" over and over again. I was definitely embarrassing myself.

Why learn the Spanish curse words? High school teacher, remember? However, I finally realized that yes, if I memorized the terrible Spanish words and rude kids spoke them individually and slowly, then I'd catch them. But, then I'd question myself if I really did hear them. I'll have to become fluent before I could really catch kids being inappropriate in class. 

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